(Sites that are anti-nice guy and pro-asshole; and my responses to them!!!)

David Deangelo:NUMERO UNO!!!!

Double Your Dating

Students of David Deangelo

"Cocky" and "arrogant" are supposed to be negative words, but not to him. This shmuck has sold out women and ranks them so far below men that he thinks it's OK to patronize them to get them in the sack. This works for a lot of women because those women are WHORES!!!! I posted on my YouTube channel that his technique to violate a woman's personal space parallels RAPISTS, but that makes sense because their objective to degrade women is the SAME! His mantra is COCKY PLUS FUNNY EQUALS 100 PERCENT MAGIC!!!! It is not magic; it is exploiting women for weaknesses that have been burned into them since birth. The modern world did NOT GET RID OF SEXISM; it just gave it a different face!!!!!!!! Now we have women being "Betty Crockered" by sexism as well as them being told that they are empowered when they lower themsevles to the status of sex objects! One of his high doctrines is to give her blatantly mixed signals to scramble her radar, so she will not be able to figure you out, making you mysterious to her! Go figure!! Through all of this superficiality, they are so confused that only an asshole can arouse them, which makes them "low hanging fruit" for POACHERS like this asshole. Pieces of his advice include NEVER complimenting her, how to take them places that cost no money and how to get them to have sex with you without being rejected.

He says that attraction isn't a choice! (Also read: Seduction or manipulation)

Oh great! Neither is it when a woman gets RAPED! What's the next logical conclusion? Arranged marriages? I guess his twisted and sexist moral of the story is that women are so damned WEAK and inferior that the man has to decide everything for them. This son of a bitch never questions the assholes that he emulates! WHY are these douche bags so good with getting dates? BECAUSE THEY HAVE COMPLETELY SOLD WOMEN OUT!!! There is no way that anyone can be that DENSE, so this means that a man MUST resent and hate a woman for having to turn into a douche bag in order to get up inside her overused diseased pussy!

My YouTube anti-David Deangelo videos:

The losers who fall for his crap

David Deangelo supporter is a hypocrite on being "cocky"!!!

David Deangelo emulates RAPE!!

More on this in the future!!!!

Other links:

(More detailed responses coming in the future!!)

12 reasons why women hate nice guys

Nice guys finish last

Heartless Bitches International: Nice Guys BLEAH!!!!!!

This site is a bunch of women trying to tell MEN what to do about WOMEN!! It would be like ME lecturing them on PMS or childbirth in the first person!! Ain't gonna happen!! They cite one of the myths which is that if a guy fails all or most of the time with women, then logic states that the only common denominator is THEM. This is FALSE. The OTHER common denominator is ALL WOMEN. The immorality is so bad today that it HAS affected all women!! Some are worse off than others but women have NEVER been in the pilot seat when it comes to pursuing, no matter HOW LIBERATED and bold women CLAIM to be today! Burning a few bras in the 60s does NOT negate thousands of years of sexism and oppression! Accept it!! These women think that because they have attitude and a loud mouth that they have CHANGED something. They just made it trickier and therefore MORE FUN to dick women over!!!

They make a point that there are SOME nice guys that GET dates, therefore there must be something wrong with the OTHER faction of nice guys that DON'T get dates! WRONG! First, they do not explain the disproportion! I don't care how much of a wuss I supposedly am, when RAPISTS and WIFE BEATERS get more dates than I do, there is something wrong with WOMEN and not me! And as for the "other" nice guys like myself, the nice guys that DO get dates tend not to understand how severely damaged this nation is in its morality and the full scope of the cultural war, which is of course, a MASCULINE PLIGHT. Because of this, they have no problem getting together with women who ALSO have no f***ing clue on this!! A guy like me who has seen this CULTURE WAR just grow and grow into his defining characteristic, gets misinterpreted by women if they can make anything out of me at all!!!! So because I am a warrior in THEIR name and for THEM, I can not be understood by them. Go f***ing figure!!!

ANOTHER F*** UP they make!!! They have a page as to why many women date "jerks". This is a huge blunder on their part because the term "jerk" is used in what I'll call a multi-phasic context. What I mean by that is they change the definition multiple times in the same thought!!! In one instance, a jerk is supposed to be a guy who is a little assertive, abrasive or confident. In another instance, it can mean that he is a guy who hits a woman or pressures a woman to have sex on the first date, or even rapes her. Don't play with FIRE unless you want to get burned!! These poor lost women have their senses so DULLED and DEAD that they have a distance between them and their feelings so badly that a lower and slimier denominator is required to excite them. Then they have sex with these assholes thus lowering their worth and enforce their sluthood and whoredom. They say that if a woman KNOWS he is a jerk, then there is no chance to get emotionally attached. WAIT A F***ING MINUTE!!!! You WASTE your time with a guy who you KNOW is bad for you?? YOU WHORE!!!! And I am the one who is crazy!! Go figure!!!!

Nice Guy Pictorial

An excerpt:

It can't be because they're not physically attractive, or they're socially awkward, or they lack confidence/ambition or integrity, or maybe the fact that they're not truly nice and only nice to girls they like, or they lack manners, or perhaps they're terminally annoying or unfunny, or they're incredibly creepy, or boring, or overbearing, or really really socially awkward, or the girl's just plain uninterested

Allow me to translate...

They say:

"not physically attractive"

They mean:

not self-absorbed
doesn't worship his own body

They say:

"socially awkward"

They mean:

thinks for himself
refuses to follow the crowd
doesn't exist in my narrow universe

They say:

"lack confidence, ambition or integrity"

They mean:

is not cocky and arrogant
is humble
scarred by women's rejections

They say:

"perhaps they're terminally annoying or unfunny, or they're incredibly creepy, or boring, or overbearing, or really really socially awkward"

They mean:

not a douche bag
doesn't get the girl's pussy wet with arrogance
he isn't the generic asshole I am so used to and have been conditioned to screw
actually RESPECTS the girl and is not trying to get in her panties

They say:

"the girl's just plain uninterested"

They mean:

he didn't use the right superficial body language or pick up lines or eye winks or pass codes to get the padlock on her panties to pop open

Nice Guys LA Examiner

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

SUMMATION of my response to all of these arrogant sites: There is nothing wrong with us "nice guys"!!!!

They tend to gravitate toward saying that we have no confidence

  • If a guy is obviously nervous when approaching her, then the girl should be FLATTERED, not irked!!
  • Evil is ALWAYS more seductive than GOOD; accept it! Therefore an arrogant guy will always get a gullable woman's pussy wet easier than a humble guy!!
  • If you've been rejected a lot, how in the HELL can you radiate confidence easily? It is exponentially harder for us because we are dealing with variables every DAY that the douche bags NEVER deal with in their entire LIVES!!!

    They tend to say we are boring or insecure

  • I'll tell you where my lack of confidence is: THE DAMNED WOMEN, not myself!!!!!
  • If I show ANY energy, conviction, passion, drive or determination I am labeled as "crazy" which is a bullshit lazy and blanket term usually used by people when they have no real substance in attacking someone
  • I like conversation and MENTAL stimulation! Not bar scenes and 24hr/day outdoor activities to dumb down my brain, or to drown my baggage or pain I have in my life!

    All the things that we are accused of being may have a shred of truth to them but only in the format of a rapidly going downward SPIRAL! For example:

    We don't conform to social norms and don't get the girls in elementary or highschool. We get pissed because we are rejected; then the girls pick up on us being pissed and unsettled and then they are MORE guaranteed to reject us. We wander what we are doing wrong, so we try different shit and question our morality and identity when in actuality WE ARE NOT THE ONES DOING SOMETHING WRONG! We can't find the problem because there IS NO PROBLEM!! This confuses us and it adds to our depression and anger towards women and we get rejected more and more and more and more.

    Women have been conditioned for decades to be seduced by evil and that GOOD is BORING. The reality is that GOOD takes more WORK. It's a lot easier to smoke dope and jack off all day instead of go to college and get a PhD. That does NOT mean that a PhD is for losers and that smoking dope and jacking off is the way to go! If a woman needs drama to keep her pussy wet, she is a warped bitch. Like NWA used to say; F*** CROSSOVER!!!

    I once knew a woman that said life was boring to her because she was no longer "thugging" and hiding from the police!!! Does that mean that I am obligated to be a drug pusher and hide from cops to get laid or do I have to draw the line and say that this is unacceptable???

    Radical feminism claims to have changed men and helped women. BULLSHIT!! It is time that there is a change where women are taught to keep their legs closed and realize not to go for the quick and easy, such as a slick talking asshole!

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