All comments welcome!

There is some bitterness between the Reaganites and Clintonites. Both had high popularity and both were hated by the opposite wing.

Reagan's legacy is that tax cuts were good for the economy, privatization was better for social healing, and deregulation was better for business. Reagan was seen as a war monger for building up our military and the nuclear arms race with what he called the Evil Empire, the Soviet Union.

Clinton was hated by conservatives from the start. His affair with Jennifer Flowers came out soon in his Presidential race, and he was labeled as being a liar almost from the start. Today, he is still hated by conservatives and was the only elected President to ever be impeeched. Clinton's legacy was originally nationalized healthcare, but was later known for what Dick Morris would call "triangulation". This is taking the most appealing platforms from both wings and making a hybrid political platform. Clinton did this with the Republican Congress when it came to tax cuts.

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