This section focuses on the "green wing" of liberalism. Any comments are welcome for this section.

My piece on environmentalism

Before I start, I want to make it clear that my articles and this page may seem quite verbose and excessive in content. That is my full intention because I have seen that pretty much all of the other 2000 race minded sites get one degree behind the issues, if that, and the underlying themes of the race are often not felt by the public. In the context of environmentalism, for example, there is a strong and long legacy of:

a)the 1960's liberalism, where a teens and college hippies hated that their parents seemed to be cogs in corporate America and wanted to rise against "the man"
b)humanism (belief systems that are man-based as opposed to God-based) since that gets into "Mother Earth" worship and the notion that passionate environmentalists may not have clean air as a priority, but are living out some warped view of morality and reality and vent that through tying themselves to trees not to be cut down or bombing corporations for cutting trees and such
c)populist issues (Joe Sixpack common worker) that involve the bloating and greed of a corporation, which of course, leads to the pollution and therefore environmentalism issues

Presidential Candidate Al Gore and environmentalism:

This issue is a big one because he is championed as an environmentalist. He has written Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit and has the Right Wing screaming! I plan to read the book and do my own critique of it. There is a link called Apocalypse Gore at that cites a National Review article whose issue was the front cover called Apocalypse Gore. In this he cites that he had just lost the Democratic Presidential nomination when he ran in 1988, his son got hit by a car and luckily lived, and he had just turned 40. So he said that all of these things acted as a catalyst in his life to make him focus on what wa important or something like that. Now here is a very crucial point: Here is where environmentalism stops being a simple cause for clean air and becomes some moral cause in the same arena with theology and religion.

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