ROAR: Why be a reactionary?

Normal conservatism isn't cutting it today!

For quite some time now, conservatism has been rotting from the inside. What I mean by that is that they still have the rhetoric of "family values" and "less government" but are not delivering. We have a 16 trillion dollar debt, yet we are nickel and diming some sort of pathetic reform. Teen sex is at 60% while pre-marital sex is at 90%, and yet all we have to counter this is weak, crummy abstinence programs which are somehow supposed to be able to battle over a decade of the sex-industry programming of our American youth.

The social problems that we have are so extreme that you HAVE to be an extremist in order NOT to be a hypocrite!

We are trying to PAY for our social problems, which is insane because we must get to the root of the problems for them not to continue to balloon! Government spending needs to be SLASHED, and our bureaucracies need to be purified of bloat, fraud and waste to enable us to pay off the debt!

It'll take FAR more work, forethought and debate to UNDO our hardcore problems than it did to CREATE them!

Moderates don't start revolutions; extremists do!

There is a myth that hardcore ideology never gets anything done. FALSE! Extremists set the tone for the issues and tend to be more active and polarized.

Our current over sexualized pop-culture is proff that our nation has gone very far to the left in its thinking, and therefore can't be counter-balanced by generic, dusty, old and outdated conservatism.

What do I mean by "extremism"?

I do not advocate blowing up buildings or being a terrorist. I hear my enemies out; I use logic instead of emotion. I am willing to adapt and grow. I know that I am not always right. This may make me a moderate by many people's standards, or certainly not an extremist. My new definition is to say that I believe the PREMISE of your ideology should be carried out to an extreme. If your ideas are worth having, then they should make sense when upped to the 10th power. Modifications? Yes! Contradictions? No!

E-mail the author, Theta Q